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 OVER HET Artefact: 

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Dit is een geweldige ruimte om lange tekst over uw bedrijf en uw diensten te schrijven. U kunt deze ruimte gebruiken om wat dieper in te gaan op uw bedrijf. Praat over uw team en welke diensten u levert. Vertel uw bezoekers het verhaal van hoe u op het idee voor uw bedrijf kwam en wat u anders maakt dan uw concurrenten. Laat uw bedrijf opvallen en laat uw bezoekers zien wie u bent.

Let US help you THRIVE (1).png
Let US help you THRIVE (1).png

R.D Founder

Had a hard time choosing a branch in the University I failed in my First two years Because I Didn't Like What I was studying. Changed That branch to Succeed in getting my bachelor's degree Then joined my master's degree For a year And quiet Just a year before graduation to work as a customer service. I Liked to pitch customers other stuff Beside What they ordered. I dogged into learning sales techniques And psychology. later worked as a sales agent For a Chinese mobile telecommunication company. I jumped from selling retail For That company to a sales executive For a supplier Under a local mobile telecommunication company. Then traveled to the southeast of Asia. After a few months, Traveling Had a job in a restaurant in Vietnam to work as an English Teacher For Private English teachings companies. I'm now Creating a Private Label Brand and a partnership Business company with my Best friends.


A.D Founder

I’ve been interested in photography for several years, After I graduated from high school my score wasn't enough to study what I wanted so I followed the flock,…In my last year of graduation, I quit as I felt I couldn't find myself in that Field(master's degree in geology ). So, I started working for a Chinese mobile company as a sales representative, it was a great experience. however, I didn’t find myself there….  

So I traveled to the southeast of Asia with my two best friends Alla Eddine and Rachid. After a few months of traveling, I gained some skills by working in restaurants, a Marketing agency, a Master Ceremony, and finally teaching English in the north of Vietnam. I always had the idea of creating a company with my best friends Haroune, Alla Eddine, and Rachid but we weren’t ready for that so it’s time to bring this idea into reality and share it with the world. My passion is photography in all its forms.

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H.B Founder

Started at a very young age learning handcrafts and how to repair cars and opened a car body shop in my hometown, Also got a master's degree in Linguistics and teaching languages with Frensh language that helped five more friends who joined my shop to become professional auto body painters, Travelled to Dubai and discovered more Skills such as; customer service management, Social media marketing, and a Service provider from B2C To B2B.without Forgetting that my Passion is being fulfilled every day. ​


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